Portable misting system prevents house fire in Long Eaton

Published on: Monday, 12th April 2021
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A portable misting system (PMS) has activated in a property on Milton Street, Long Eaton, protecting the two occupants and preventing a potentially serious fire from developing.

On Monday 5th April at around 2:00am, the system that had been fitted to protect the occupants of the Long Eaton property, activated extinguishing a fire that was caused by a discarded cigarette.  

The PMS was installed in partnership with East Midlands Housing, in October 2019, following a Safe & Well check that identified that the occupants were at greater risk of a fire due to their smoking activity and limited mobility that would have prevented them being able to get out of their property if a fire broke out. 

Group Manager Kevin Page said: “A portable misting system activation doesn’t usually grab the headlines like a fire that hasn’t been extinguished ahead of fire crews arriving, but it should as this is really good news.   Thanks to the hard work of our Community Safety Officers and housing provider, East Midlands Housing, the occupants were identified as at higher risk of a fire due to their limited mobility and smoking habits so a PMS was fitted in 2019.

“Portable misting systems can be fitted quickly into a specific room and when activated by heat, release a mist of water that can suppress, or extinguish the fire until the arrival of firefighters, protecting both the occupants and property. 

“The Service has over 50 portable misting systems fitted in properties across Derbyshire.”

Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service has re-issued guidance to smokers to follow safety advice:

  • Never smoke in bed
  • Use a proper ashtray - never a wastepaper basket
  • Make sure your ashtray can't tip over and is made of a material that won't burn
  • Don't leave a lit cigarette, cigar or pipe lying around - they can easily fall over and start a fire
  • Take extra care if you smoke when you're tired, taking prescription drugs, or if you've been drinking - you might fall asleep and set your sofa or bed on fire
  • Keep matches and lighters out of children's reac
  • Consider buying child resistant lighters and match boxes
  • Stub cigarettes out properly and dispose of them carefully.  Put them out.  Right out!

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