Derby businesses called on to tackle food insecurity

Derby Food For Thought storage facility

The East Midlands Chamber is backing a Derby food provision campaign seeking monthly donations from 100 businesses in the city.

Derby Food 4 Thought Alliance (DF4T) partners with shops, pantries and food or meal-based community projects, giving support to people affected by food insecurity.  People in need are signposted to services that can help or are supplied with food directly.

Between April and 2023 and March 2024 DF4T supported over 23,000 adults and 13,000 children in the city. 

DF4T wants businesses to sign up to giving £100 a month for 12 months, which would help fund food costs.  Foods needed included cereals, UHT milk, tea and coffee, rice, pasta, tinned soup and beans.

East Midlands Chamber Chief Executive Scott Knowles said: “Food insecurity affects people from all walks of life and the ongoing work of Derby Food 4 Thought Alliance is crucial in getting food and support to people that need it, while fighting the root issues behind deprivation. T

The 100 Club is a fantastic initiative to ensure that brilliant work can be maintained, and that people in Derby don’t go without food.  Pledging support could also take a business further toward meeting their Corporate and Social Responsibility objectives.”

DF4T Alliance Senior Manager Paul Brookhouse said: “Communities helping when it’s so desperately needed, coming together to do whatever they can, is something that can really take your breath away but we’re not where we need to be. Just meeting the demand costs between £8000 and £10, 000 and the only way we can help is with the generosity of our donors and partners.

“Our message to businesses in Derby is: Join our 100 Club where your £100 a month can feed 20 children for 3 days – that’s 240 children over a year.  Health is at risk without proper food. We’re calling on the kindness of businesses in Derbyshire and hope they’ll urgently contact us.” 

To find out more about the campaign click here or email info @

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