Wearable tech helping to improve young people’s mental health and well-being

Published on: Monday, 22nd August 2022
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The Covid-19 pandemic impacted the health and wellbeing of everyone – including young people.  In response, Derbyshire County Council is funding an innovative mental health project aiming to support young people across 50 Derbyshire schools and colleges.

The council are providing £75,000 to Snapp It – a self-harm and suicide prevention organisation - to offer mental health support for 15 to 19 year olds as they deal with the pressures of exams and other life events.

This will be through a range of channels including face to face sessions as well as personalised tech including wristbands and smart cards.

Snapp-it offers help through an online digital platform designed to encourage young people to reach out and seek help before getting to a crisis point.

Discreetly wearable devices allow instant 24/7 access to a wide range of health and wellbeing resources including guided self-help and professional support services.

Derbyshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, Councillor Carol Hart said: “Mental health and emotional wellbeing remains a key priority for us.

“Evidence is showing that half of all adult mental health problems start in teenage years – and sometimes even younger.

“So innovative projects such as this aim to offer different ways for young people to find the support that we need.”

Snapp It will deliver face-to-face sessions to pupils that look at the importance of mental health and wellbeing. They will also provide relevant information around the services available to young people.

Young people will also be provided, for free, an option of different personalised devices including wristbands and lanyards. Each device has scannable QR codes that offer instant, 24/7 access to the Snapp It smart health app.

The app offers local and national, local authority and commissioned mental health support information.

Jason Cotton and Hayley Oxer, Co-Directors of Snapp-it said: “With so many great challenges that young people face today, it’s important now, more so than ever, that we are bold in our approach, improving through innovation, becoming smart in our delivery of health and wellbeing support.

“We wish to see the young people of our community reach their fullest potential, resilient to life’s challenges, to feel positive, self-aware and empowered to thrive.

“We are delighted and thankful for this incredible opportunity.”

Funding for the project comes from the Contain Outbreak Management Fund.

This additional funding will support the response to the Coronavirus pandemic by continuing work around mental health.

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