Register to vote in the 2024 General Election

Published on: Friday, 24th May 2024
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After the recent Government announcement, Erewash residents will be heading to the polls on Thursday 4th July to cast their ballot in a General Election. 

Erewash is covered not only by the Erewash constituency but also partially by the Mid-Derbyshire seat.

In order to vote in these elections, residents must have registered to vote by 11:59pm on Tuesday 18th June.  Those who have not registered at their current address are being urged to do so before the deadline.

Anyone over 16 can register online, although you must be 18 to vote in elections. The process takes just five minutes and all you will need is your National Insurance number. It is particularly important that people who have recently moved home check they are registered and take action if not.

Registering to vote gives citizens the opportunity to exercise their democratic right and shape policies locally and nationally. Being registered to vote can also improve your credit score, making it easier to secure loans or even a mobile phone contract.

Students can register at both their home address and term time address but can only vote at one address. 

Anyone who needs a Postal or Proxy vote can now apply for these online. The deadline for applying for a postal vote is 5pm Wednesday 19th June, and the deadline to apply for a proxy to vote on your behalf is 5pm Wednesday 26th June. Changes brought in by the Elections Act 2022 mean that all applications must undergo a verification process, residents should apply as soon as possible (today) to ensure they receive their postal vote in time for the election.

Those heading to polling stations in person on Thursday 4th July will need to have a form of accepted photo ID. Anyone who hasn’t got accepted Voter ID can apply for a Voter Authority Certificate. The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate is 5pm on Wednesday 26th June. 

Voting is an important way of being able to have your say and shape policies that will impact people locally. The message is simple - you can’t vote if you aren’t registered by 18th June. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes online – just head to

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